Real Musician Life

Here is a video of us rehearsing for an upcoming concert.

Notice the luxurious studio.🙃

This room in the house is used as a rehearsal studio, a recording studio, a practice studio, etc.
This room is also used by my partner, Shiborigirl, as she creates her custom handmade artwork to sell to her many customers worldwide.

One thing I have learned as a full-time musician of over 32 years, is to make the most with what you got.
Rarely do I ever have enough space, time, money, resources, etc.
Nevertheless, I create a solution.
This is the challenge.
I embrace this challenge.

Playing my instrument, singing, and performing all over the place, is really not my art form.
Living as a full-time musician is my art.
Balancing my life as a full-time musician is my art.
My life is the artform.

I know this may seem strange to some people, but I believe those of us who sustain ourselves with our creations will understand.

That’s my life!
All part of the fun and flow.😎

Playin’ Drum On A Sunday Morning

Give a little bit! 😎

Played drums for Sunday Services on Easter.

There was a lot of talent in the room.
It’s easy to perform with talented singers and musicians.

As we slowly get back out there again, I hope everyone makes an effort to enjoy live music.
Find what you like and embrace it.
Check out new performers as well.
Live music can be a wonderful gift if we allow it to be so.
I’m grateful to have the opportunities to participate, serve, and support.

I trust I will share more quick live video snippets in the coming months.


Recital 12/11/14

This video was shot just moments before Trevor walked in and gave his recital for his Master’s Degree in Music at The San Francisco Conservatory of Music.
We were not allowed to shoot any vid during the performance.
Trevor performed so well, it was scary.
Overwhelming at times.
It’s been interesting to witness his development over the past 14 years.
I was happy to simply attend this concert, given the scare of a possible flight cancellation due to rain.
I made it.
Looks like Trevor is making it too.
Life is good.

Goodnight 12/10/14

This practice of The Daily Vid gets tricky sometimes.
There are some days that are so busy that I don’t think about shooting any vid until the em of the day.
This was one of those days.
Nevertheless, I see the perfection in it.
My thoughts at the end of the day as I project my tomorrow.
Like a journal. A diary.
I get it.

Jingle Bells 12/8/14

yea, Jingle Bells.
it’s the holiday season, and we are busy doing our thing.
i have a lot of ideas for a whole new video project next year.
im thinking a video a week.
tunes that live in my head.
not really sure if anyone would ever read and watch and listen to my videos and songs.
but for me, it helps me in an odd way.
it helps me to simply express in the way i do.
my hope is for this music to somehow help others on occasion.
well, probably not.
for now, its Jingle Bells.

your feedback is appreciated.